On August 10th, Melissa Duchene and Gabrielle Vanderberg were honored by Lt. Governor Molnau at the State Capitol for earning the Girl Scout Bronze Award. Melissa and Gabrielle worked together to educate the public about displaced children and also worked to help seniors in the community.
At Girl Scout Cookie booths in February and March, the girls collected more than 50 cookie packages to donate to a local women and children's shelter, and they used part of their earned cookie dollars to purchase materials needed to make fleece blankets for local seniors.
As Lt. Governor Molnau said at the honoring celebration, "you should never let others cap your potential." The girls have taken these words to heart and are planning their next project to help them earn their Silver Award - doing graffiti clean-up in the community. They will be forming a painting team that will improve one house, fence, garage and business at a time.
Congratulations girls!!
Submitted by Christy Vanderberg
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