Blooming St. Paul is a program of the City within its Parks Department. It is responsible for the plantings and art that beautify our city. Our own Suburban Avenue planters are a part of Blooming St. Paul.
The program is sponsoring a perennial donation event that "is designed to provide many benefits to the Saint Paul community" and to help enhance "neighborhood landscape by donating perennials that will be planted throughout the City."
But there are only certain perennials that the City will accept. They are:
- Bergenia of any variety
- Cone flower - Rudbecka fugida, 'Goldsturm"
- Cone flower - Echinacea purpurea, 'Magnus', 'Kims Knee High', 'White Swan'
- Coral bells - Heuchera any variety
- Lily - Lilium asiatic or oriental; any dwarf variety under 18" in height
- False spirea - Astilbe japonica, any variety
- Helenium (common sneezeweed) - Helenium autumnale, any variety
- Prairie dropseed - Sporobolus heterolepis
- Tufted hair grass - Deschampsia cespitosa, 'Northern Lights' or 'Schottland'
- Salvia - Salvia x sylvestris, 'May Night'
The donation dates are - June 9, July 14, August 11, and September 8 from 7a to 6:30p.
Downtown Parks Maintenance Facility, 83 Water St. West.
Contact Angela Koebler for more information - 651.248.2017, angela.koebler@ci.stpaul.mn.us
Submitted by St. Paul Parks and Recreation
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