Thursday, October 21, 2010

Comment on Parks Plan

In November, the St. Paul Parks and Rec Dept. is hosting a series of open houses to get people's reactions to their draft system plan. The open houses run from 7-9p and one is at the following location on the eastside:

November 8 at Phalen Rec Center, 1000 E. Wheelock Parkway

Other meetings will be on Nov 3 at 1978 Ford Parkway, Nov 9 at 179 Robie, Nov 15 at 270 Lexington Parkway, and Nov 18 at 1414 N. St. Albans.

The city is proposing to close many of its existing recreation centers and develop key multi-use centers throughout the city. The proposal relies on a model that is similar to how suburbs run their parks and is being proposed to save significant amounts of money on maintenance of many older facilities.

If you have comments or questions, go to the open houses and speak your mind...

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