Thursday, November 3, 2011

Aerial Photo Flights

The MAC was just informed today that the MN Department of Natural Resources (DNR) would conducting repetitive nighttime aircraft overflights beginning tonight and continuing for the next three weeks.  See email below.
The map project area includes all of Saint Paul.  The aircraft will departing and landing out of the Holman Field Airport.  There will be just one plane conducting the study each night.
The project must be conducted during low-air traffic demand periods, which is why it is necessary to operate during the nighttime hours (11 p.m. - 5 a.m.).
The pilot have been instructed to follow the agreed upon "Pilot Information & Noise Abatement Procedures".  See the attached brochure.  The plane will be using slow flight and low power settings to minimize the noise.  However, it is my understanding that there is no flexibility in the altitude.
If you get complaints about the noise, please call the MAC's hotline - 612.726.9411 or
If you have specific questions about the project, please contact Tim Loesch, DNR GIS Supervisor, at 651.259.5475.

Submitted by the Mayor's Office

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