SPPS Board Listening sessions provide community members the opportunity to speak directly with Board members on any issue, and for Board members to listen and have informal and respectful dialogue with the community. These sessions are not to replace the more formal process that community members, staff and families are encouraged to follow to bring issues, concerns and complaints to the appropriate school, programs or administrative staff.
In our area, a listening session is scheduled for Thursday, May 17 at Highwood Hills Elementary Library, 2188 Londin Lane, at 7-8:30p.

AND remember the District 1 Annual Meeting on Monday March 26, 6:30p at Progressive Baptist Church (1505 Burns), where we will hear from Superintendent Silva's Chief of Staff, Suzanne Kelly, about the new system plan and what it means for our neighborhood schools. (Dessert potluck! Child Care! Door Prizes! - bring a dessert and its recipe AND nonperishable food items for the Progressive Baptist food shelf!!).
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