Monday, December 30, 2013

Check out Fitness Rooms at Local Rec Centers

Many of Saint Paul's recreation centers have fitness packages available to the public. We invite you to join us for one of our fitness room open houses. Learn what equipment is available, view a fitness class, use the walking track (El Rio Vista, Hillcrest, North Dale and Oxford only) and receive a healthy snack. Here are the schedules for local rec centers.
Open House Schedule:
Saturday, January 4|Battle Creek|9am-Noon
Wednesday, January 29|Conway|6-8pm
Thursday, January 30|Dayton's Bluff|6-7:30pm

Monday, December 23, 2013

Red Rock Corridor Alternatives Analysis Comment Period

On December 12, the Red Rock Corridor Commission approved the final draft plan for the corridor - the alternatives analysis update.  This draft plan is available for public review and comment.  You can download a PDF copy of this final draft plan by clicking on this link:

A four-page flyer summarizing the plan is also available.  You can download it by clicking on this link:

You can also find both of these documents on the right-side sidebar of the project's webpage:

The Commission decided to take another look at the previous 2007 Alternatives Analysis (AA) due to new census and ridership data, updated population forecasts, and additional completed transitways in the region.  The AAU builds upon the original report by updating relevant sections and providing new analysis and alternatives for transit in the corridor. 
Over the past nine months the Commission has been evaluating technical data, working with a Community Advisory Committee, and engaging the public to determine the best mobility solution for the Corridor. With these stakeholders’ input, the AAU considers four mode alternatives in terms of their mobility, cost, economic development, and environmental impacts in the region. 
The AAU Draft Final Report provides details on the future vision for the Red Rock Corridor, implementing Bus Rapid Transit to provide all-day transit service to the Corridor. In moving forward with the development of BRT, the Red Rock Corridor Commission will pursue a staged implementation plan. In conjunction with the actions and improvements in each of the three stages, there are other broad and ongoing strategies that will be pursued by the Red Rock Corridor Commission. They are:
Advocate for integrated multi-modal investments including pedestrian and bicycle facilities, freight, rail, highway, and transit improvements that support mobility throughout the Red Rock Corridor. 
Advocate for funding for mobility improvements along the corridor. This includes advocating for sustainable local and regional funding sources, as well as supporting and applying for funding at the Federal level. 
Continue to monitor peak period capacity needs in the corridor to determine the timing for implementation of      additional transit services, alternative modes, or capital improvements.

Public hearing and public comment period
A public hearing will be held during the Commission's next meeting on Thursday January 23, 2014, starting at 4:00 pm, at the Cottage Grove City Hall (12800 Ravine Parkway South, Cottage Grove, MN 55016 - map >).

This will be an opportunity to provide comments on the draft plan. But the public comment period will continue until February 14, 2014.

You can view a summary of public guidance received for this project here:

Comment on the Feasibility of Streetcars in Saint Paul

Give your input on the proposed streetcar lines for Saint Paul. The top priority is a streetcar along 7th Street (both East and West 7th). This is a potentially important driver of development along East 7th. There will be open houses about the proposals on January 15 from 4-7p at the Randolph Fire Station, 645 Randolph (on West 7th and Randolph), and on January 16 from 4-7p at the Daytons Bluff Rec Center, 800 Conway.

If you can't make one of these meetings, you can leave comments at this location.

The feasibility study for the streetcars will come before the City's Planning Commission on Friday, January 24 at 8:30a in room 40, in the basement of City Hall (15 W. Kellogg Blvd.).

Monday, December 9, 2013

Changes to Saint Paul's Snow Plowing

Saint Paul Mayor Chris Coleman today announced several changes to the Saint Paul Public Works snow maintenance operations as a result of an internal review following the storm that began on Wednesday, December 4.

“Weather conditions in the Twin Cities presented a particularly challenging set of circumstances for our snow plow drivers,” Mayor Chris Coleman said. “But this is Minnesota, and we are no strangers to erratic snow fall. As a result of this weekend’s internal review, we will make a number of necessary changes to ensure Saint Paul remains the most livable city in America.”

Changes in the department will include:
  • A continued increase in the use of salt and sand per square mile to help address current road conditions, a change made Sunday morning.
  • A reprioritization within the Public Works budget that will direct just over $2 million to accelerate the purchase of several additional salter/sander/plow trucks.
  • A reorganization of snow maintenance leadership within the Public Works department.
“Saint Paul has always prided itself on the high quality of services we provide residents, and it is clear after a thorough review that the city did not live up to those expectations,” Mayor Coleman continued. “In the short term, a more aggressive salting and sanding operation should help alleviate some of the issues on our roads, especially when the temperatures start to rise. In the long term, these changes should help provide residents, visitors, and business owners with the type of city services they have come to expect. At the end of the day, weather patterns are unpredictable and will continue to throw us curveballs well into the future. But we have the responsibility to strive to be the best we possibly can be.”

In 2011, Mayor Coleman approved a $6 million Public Works vehicle replacement plan. The plan provided an additional $1.2 million per year for five years to replace the city’s aging fleet. In the changes announced today, Mayor Coleman has directed Public Works to reprioritize an existing $1 million in capital spending and accelerate the $1.2 million in capital spending planned for 2014.  

With temperatures hovering around zero degrees for a number of days, the City of Saint Paul asks for your patience while we continue to address the drivability of our roads. The City of Saint Paul operates a 24-hour street maintenance hotline at 651-266-9700. The city encourages concerned parties to continue to report problems areas throughout the city. Emails can also be sent to