Monday, June 16, 2014

Rules for Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area - Comments solicited

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources will hold three public information meetings in July to present information and receive comments on proposed rules for the Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area (MRCCA).
The meetings, which all run from 6:30 to 9 p.m., are scheduled for:
  •  Wednesday, July 16, Greenhaven Golf Course, 2800 Greenhaven Road, Anoka
  •  Tuesday, July 22, Nova Classical Academy, 1455 Victoria Way West., St. Paul
  •  Thursday, July 24, Schaar’s Bluff Gathering Center (Spring Lake Park Reserve), 8395 127th Street E, Hastings
Each meeting will have the same format and information, with a presentation and discussion scheduled from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., and opportunities to visit with DNR staff the rest of the time. Visitors will be able to learn more about the draft rules, including key topics such as vegetation management, land alteration, setbacks, nonconformities, and shoreline facilities. DNR staff will be available to explain how the draft rules might affect individual properties. Comments received at these meetings are not part of the formal rulemaking record, but they will be considered as draft rules are revised.
Stretching 72 miles from Dayton to Hastings, the Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area was designated via executive order in the late 1970s. No formal rules were ever adopted, though, and over the past decade, the executive order has become increasingly outdated and difficult for state and local governments to administer. In 2009 and 2013, the legislature directed DNR to replace the executive order with rules establishing new districts and updated land development standards that sustain key natural, scenic, cultural and economic resources and features.
DNR will accept comments on its working draft of rules for the MRCCA through August 15. The comment period is intended to gather feedback on the draft rules before they are revised and proposed for formal rule adoption, anticipated this fall/winter. More information is available on the DNR’s project website  Questions about the meetings may be e-mailed, or call 651-259-5714 to leave a message.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Waterworks near you!!

The splashpad at Conway Park is now open!!

At local county parks, lifeguard services will begin Saturday, June 7 at noon at Ramsey County’s five guarded swimming beaches. Battle Creek Waterworks family water park will also open for the season on June 7 at 11 a.m.
Guarded beaches are available at the following locations:

  • Tony Schmidt Regional Park: 3500 Lake Johanna Blvd. Arden Hills, MN 55112
  • Lake Josephine County Park: 3027 Lexington Ave. N. Roseville, MN 55113
  • Long Lake Regional Park: 1500 Old Highway 8 New Brighton, MN 55112
  • Lake McCarrons County Park: 1795 Rice St. Roseville, MN 55113
  • Snail Lake in Vadnais-Snail Lakes Regional Park: 4191 Snail Lake Blvd. Shoreview, MN 55126

 Lifeguards will be on duty at guarded beaches daily from noon – 8 p.m. through August 10. Beach users must obey all rules outlined in the Ramsey County park ordinance. Parents are advised that while lifeguards are available to enforce rules and respond to emergencies, guardians are ultimately responsible for supervising their children. All organized groups must make an advanced reservation and obtain a group use permit, which is free. Concessions are available at Long Lake and Snail Lake.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Mississippi River Critical Area Update - Comments requested

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is requesting comments on a working draft of possible rules governing land development in the Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area (MRCCA). A Request for Comments was published today, June 2, 2014, in the State Register. The Request for Comments, working draft of possible rules, district maps, rulemaking schedule, and other information regarding the rulemaking are available to view and print from the MRCCA Rulemaking Project website:
The MRCCA is a land corridor along the Mississippi River within the seven-county metro area. There are 30 local governments within the 72 mile long, 54,000 acre corridor. Land development in the corridor is guided by existing state regulations, which are implemented through local government plans and zoning ordinances. The proposed rules, if adopted, would replace the existing regulations.
This rulemaking will:
  • Continue to guide management of the MRCCA as a multi-purpose resource
  • Establish new districts and update minimum guidelines and standards for land development in the districts
The rules would likely affect the following persons and organizations within the MRCCA:
  • All local government units with jurisdiction in the MRCCA
  • Property owners, institutions, developers, and businesses
  • Recreational facility users
  • Water-oriented businesses, facilities, and navigation interests on the Mississippi River
  • Utility providers
  • State and regional agencies and and institutions with facilities, property interests, and/or regulatory authority in the MRCCA (such as the Metropolitan Council, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Transportation, Metropolitan Airports Commission, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul Port Authority, Minnesota Historical Society, and federal agencies such as the National Park Service and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) 
How to Comment: The DNR will accept comments until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, August 15, 2014. We encourage written comments. As you review the working draft rules, please focus on the following topics:
  • What doesn’t work and why?
  • What needs clarification?
  • What specific changes do you recommend?
 It will help us if you can cite specific parts or pages within the working draft document.
Comments may be submitted via e-mail, US mail, or fax to:
Daniel Petrik
MRCCA Rulemaking Project, Minnesota DNR
Ecological and Water Resources Division500 Lafayette Rd, Box 25
St. Paul, MN 55155-4025
Phone: 651-259-5714
Fax: 651-296-1811