In attendance: Lisa Theis (D2CC), Leslie McMurray (PPD5PC),
Christine Shyne (WSCO), Jens Werner (SUD8), Nicole Pressley (DBCC), Betsy Leach
(D1, fiscal agent), Chia Lor (facilitator/coordinator)
Setting Ground Rules for all meetings:
Assume best intentions
Apply the ouch rule
Start and finish on time
Define next steps and be clear about next steps
Confidentiality applies if asked for
Use efficient reporting/ be transparent
Hold each other accountable
Stay on task
Empower the facilitator to hold us to these
Add rules as needed
Memoranda of
Understanding: signed MOUs have now been received from D2, PPD5PC, WSCO.
Both DBCC and SUD8 are finalizing their agreements
Questions about the
structure of the project: How does this steering committee interact with
the Community Action Team (CAT)? The CAT has responsibility to develop the
substantive framework for the dialogues and the actual curriculum used.
Steering Committee members are not required to participate in the CAT as well
as this group, but are welcome to attend and to encourage community members to
participate. However, if Steering Committee members do attend the CAT, they are
asked to take a back seat to the community members. In addition, minutes or a
summary of the CAT meetings will be posted. Suggestion is made to use the District 1 blog
( as the public posting site of minutes/summary
of both CAT and Steering Cmte.
Inventory: Members of the Steering Cmte completed a pre-project inventory
to document our feelings and positions regarding collaborative work. The
facilitator will tabulate the results. The same inventory will be completed at
the end of the project to help us understand what learning we have gained as
partners while going through this process. This pre- and post-“test” will help
us report back to the funder and to incorporate lessons learned in future
collaborative work.
Discussion of Timeline
and Budget: A timeline was laid out, discussed and modified to assure that
the logistical matters will be take care of and so that participants and
partners can understand where they fit it. Milestones for meeting our goals are
incorporated with the expectation that the dialogues themselves will take place
between September and the first of December.
Suggestion that facilitator
send out a spreadsheet to all members so that they can add their major events
into the timeline, thereby avoiding conflict in scheduling the dialogues. Suggestion was made to set locations
and dates as early as possible. Steering Cmte will probably not need to meet
monthly once the dialogues begin. Coordinator will step back and assist the
dialogue facilitators as they manage the individual sessions once the dialogues
The budget presented needs to be updated with current
numbers. Betsy will provide an
updated budget prior to the next meeting. Cmte went through the budget line by
line in order to understand what monies are available to participants,
facilitators, district council staff, and steering committee members. Suggestion was made that there be clear
front-end expectations for receipt of stipends from all types of participants.
Discussion focused on stipends designated for dialogue participants and the
need to maximize the number of participants for an effective dialogue. Decision was made to focus on what
individuals need to cover costs of participation such as transportation, child
care costs, and so on. In kind donations
of printing and supplies from Steering Cmte members will help offset some of
the reduction in these line items. Approved
amended budget.
Discussion also focused on training issues for the
facilitators. Questions included who does it, what role does Everyday Democracy
play, how does it happen. Everyday Democracy has made it clear that they remain
available as consultants throughout this work, but that the training from here on out needs to come
from those who have already participated. Decision
was made that we will work with the Cross Cultural Dialogue group around these
Project Logistics:
Facilitator outlined the relation between the parts of this project. There are
three sets of dialogues that are planned – police/community/youth dialogues,
other city departments/community dialogue, and the PED/district council
dialogues. The other departments that the CAT is focusing on are the Department
of Safety and Inspections (DSI) and the Department of Parks and Recreation.
McMurray asked how we can assure that an equity lens is foremost in these dialogues.
Shyne noted that there are other efforts underway to examine DSI. Lor noted
that Minneapolis (Hope Community) already has an equity lens tool for use in
questioning Parks and Recreation decisions, that they are willing to share. Decision was made that we need to
assure that these dialogues 1) focus clearly on equity, and 2) remain city-wide
in application.
The PED dialogue remains the least well-defined. McMurray
noted that 1) we need to ally ourselves with change-makers already working in
PED, and 2) think about the "Racially Concentrated Areas of Poverty" and how decisions are made about which developments are steered to these
areas. Other areas of concern noted were
1) how PED decides which projects’ developers are encouraged to make early
contact with district councils, and 2) how this dialogue intersects with other
district council efforts to examine the Capital Improvement Budget (CIB)
process. Decision was made that this
track of the D2A needs a separate planning team that can establish clear goals.
Discussion of this decision is to be added to the next Steering Cmte agenda.
Next Steps:
Updated budget prior to next meeting (Betsy)
Spreadsheet of timeline sent to Steering Cmte mbrs to add major events (Chia)
Agenda sent prior to next meeting (with PED
planning team & goals discussion included – Chia)
Send at least one new community member to next
CAT meeting ( first Monday of month – May 4, 5:30-7:30p at Eastside Freedom
Library, 1105 Greenbrier St. 55106 – all Steering Cmte mbrs)
Spread the word about the CAT meetings (all
Steering Cmte mbrs)
Recruiting other district councils through
discussion with Ambassador Team (Christine, Lisa, Jens, Betsy)
One page of talking points about the project for
district councils (Chia and Betsy)
Next meeting of Steering Cmte – Monday, May 11,
10a-12p, at D1 office, 2105 ½ Old Hudson