Thursday, October 1, 2009

Highwood Hills makes the NY Times!

There is an interesting article about a couple who bought a foreclosed house in Highwood Hills in the NY Times. I love how it calls out the unique history of the neighborhood and the slide show really gives you a sense of the amazing possibilities of renovation. Who knew the New York Times was paying attention to the East Side of St. Paul??(Here is the NYTimes link)

As a part of the work of LiveMSP we have been soliciting written testimonials from residents who share in 50 words or less what they love about their neighborhoods. Something we would love to see are video versions of this, where residents show us their neighborhoods and talk about what makes it a special place to live.

We feel the East side is totally unknown to people who don't live there and it would be an exciting thing to showcase its assets, the amazing diversity of people and topography and what it's like to be an Eastsider. LiveMSP would be happy to partner and assist!!

Submitted by Mary Kay Bailey,

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