Our crews working on helping out elders in the area brought in materials from another 32 households. We had multiple crews this year so the work was done quickly and efficiently.
The photo on the left is of our reuse area. You can see that there were many items that could be reused by new owners and we did incredibly well getting things into the hands of people and organizations that could use them. The photo on the left is of our father and son team who kept tabs on the metals being brought in that will be recycled - no contamination with non-metals! And you can see behind them that we also collected a number of bicycles that were given to Sibley Bike Shop for refurbishing and donation to people needing this kind of transportation.
Although our numbers were down from last year, we really had great success with meeting our objective of trying to keep as much stuff out of landfills as we possibly can. So thanks again to our volunteers, to neighbors who brought stuff in, to Bridging and Sibley Bike Shop, to the Totem Town crew, to Totem Town Community Garden, to Harding High School, to Eureka, to Lightning Disposal, to JR Appliances, and to Little Oven - which supplied our hungry crew with lunch.
A cold success for us all! Thanks!
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