The Council is in the process of updating its strategic plan. In 2007 we developed a plan with the help of MAP for Nonprofits (Management Assistance Program). This plan is available on our website under the "About Us" drop down menu.
In 2007 we established 3 goals that dealt with strengthening our board, increasing the Council's visibility in the community, and improving our funding situation. The strategies that we set at that time have, in large part, been met or exceeded. So now we are re-examining those goals and strategies to help guide the organization through the next 3-5 years.
The Board needs to hear what the community thinks our priorities should be, too. So contact us at district1council@aol.com or 651.578.7600 and tell us what is on your mind. In addition, as we move our board meetings around the district to your neighborhood, come visit with us and speak up about what you want the neighborhood to be and how you think our organization can help achieve it.
Our community plan (also at the link above) is also due for some updating in the coming years. Your input on a vision for the neighborhoods, and for the organization, will be incorporated. A summary of the community plan is approved by the city and is used in making decisions about infrastructure, development and city programming. This plan serves the community for 10 years.
These documents guide our work. And they are only as good as the input we get from you. So speak up and share your vision!
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