People from the eastside have been making themselves heard about the potential school closings that seem to emphasize our neighborhood schools. Delores Henderson, principal at Ames Elementary (in District 2) has suggested that instead of proposing to close both Ames and Sheridan Elementary and moving students to schools father away, they be moved into Hazel Park Middle School (1140 White Bear Ave.), which is also slated to close, at least for a year. This would allow kids to stay closer to their neighborhoods than what the school board has proposed. As she says, closing neighborhood schools has an impact on neighborhoods, generally, not just the schools.
Such a move should also reduce busing costs...
Maybe Eastern Heights Elementary school is close to its capacity, but it seems that Sheridan Elementary is MUCH closer to that school than Hazel Park Middle... Maybe the city needs to look at what areas define the neighborhoods of neighborhood schools. What do you think??
There is still an opportunity to have your voice heard. Contact the school board - 651.767.8100
THERE IS A MEETING ABOUT THE MOVES INVOLVING BATTLE CREEK MIDDLE SCHOOL on Thursday April 22 at 6p at the School - 2121 North Park
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