There are some interesting offerings coming up for kids at Conway Rec Center...

First, starting March 21, there will be tumbling for kids aged 2 1/2 to 3 years, and for kids 3 to 5 years old. For more information about this fun opportunity, contact Randy at 651.501.6343, or
There will also be a spring basketball league for older kids.
But listen to this!! Come summer, there will be group
GUITAR LESSONS at Conway for an 8 week session of 1 hour/week class. The Rec Center is trying to raise money to buy guitars for the participants, but
if you have a guitar you would like to DONATE, contact Randy at Conway (see his info above...).

And finally, we are beginning the process of planning for a new Totlot at Conway. There will be community meetings, but there is also a task force forming that will work with city staff to design the new totlot. If you are interested in participating, if you are a daycare provider that uses or would like to use the new lot, please contact Anne at or 651.266.6421.
This redesign will also include an improved Pederson pedestrian path that should solve some of the flooding problems in the spring and summer. These projects were funded through a competitive process a couple of years ago - already funded...
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