Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Raking Leaves to Clean the River

Remember, now that the leaves are falling, do NOT rake your leaves into the street. When leaves are raked into the street, they end up going down the gutters into the storm sewers that empty directly into the Mississippi River. This type of organic matter is a major source of phosphorus pollution in our waters that can kill off the critters living there and degrade the drinking water that we use.

A second effect that raking has is that it increases the costs to the city of sweeping the streets. And you know who will end up paying those costs!! -- we do, in higher street assessments.

Rake your leaves and either start your own compost pile at home (leaves make great mulch for those tender plants - but wait to apply it until the ground freezes), or take them to the Ramsey County Composting sites. There is one composting site at Londin Lane and Winthrop, near Afton View Apartments, and one at Frank and Sims (which also accepts woody material).

Here is a link to information about backyard composting. And here is the link to information on county composting sites.

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