Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Being a Good Neighbor

As the District 1 staff member, I usually try to avoid editorializing, but something happened in my own neighborhood that made me think about some things happening in this neighborhood. So I thought I would give my opinion and see what other people think...

What happened is that there was a party over the weekend in the backyard a few houses from me that went late into the night (only broken up by rain at about 1am). What is happening in District 1 is that the Cherry Pit is asking for a noise variance for bands to play in August, and residents along Point Douglas are living with screeching, squealing brakes by CPRail... So here is my take on being a good neighbor when it comes to noise:

When someone in the neighborhood has an outdoor party or other activity that generates noise, it is as if everyone in the neighborhood is invited - whether they want to be or not; attendance at the activity is compulsory - neighbors have no choice as to whether they join in; and these participants must stay until the "host" goes to bed, or decides to stop doing whatever they are doing. No choice is given to neighbors in any of this. One person/household/business

We tend to believe that residents at a location have the right to do whatever they want to do on their own property, or in their own homes. Of course, if we actually think about it, this isn't true at all. There are laws that govern certain kinds of activities that are illegal or that are a danger to the health and safety of people - including to those who want to participate in these activities... But there are also community rights. Our personal rights do not override someone else's personal rights. And there are things that are good for us collectively that may not be the best for any one of us individually. We have to define the common good...

There are restrictions in the city about when noise should be limited and the times are generally between 10p and 7a. There are restrictions about the level of noise and the type of noise. And there is a mechanism to be granted a variance of the rules. (To read about what is allowed, check out this site in the city code. Search on Noise...)

There are some neighbors in D1 who don't understand why the railroad doesn't have to abide by any rules, or try to be a good neighbor. And others in D1 who wonder if the Cherry Pit knows what makes a good neighbor.

So anyway, let me know what you think....

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