Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Zoning for Parks

Soon there will be a special zoning category for parks in Saint Paul. All areas of the city are identified according to their use - residential, commercial, industrial. These zoning categories make it clear where single family homes, shops, commercial endeavors and heavy industrial activity should be located.

Saint Paul has never had zoning protection for parks. Since there is no 'park zone', parks can be zoned residential or even industrial. The new Parks and Recreation Plan adopted by the City Council earlier this year requires that the zoning code be amended to include a new park zoning district. The City will begin working on these zoning code changes in early 2011. The zoning change will make park ownership more transparent and reinforce the no-net-loss policy for parkland in Saint Paul.

Pete Regnier, a representative of the Friends of the Parks and Trails, seved on the Parks and Recreation Task Force supporting this change. "This effort took over 20 years but it is a big victory for the Friends and the residents of the City. It will provide additional protection and help preserve parkland in our city," said Peggy Lynch, Executive Director of the Friends.

Reprinted from the Park Notes of the Friends of the Parks and Trails of St. Paul and Ramsey County.

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