Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall Reminders

First, a reminder that the city has started its fall street sweeping that will go through the middle to late November. Please remember that it is illegal to sweep leaves into the street. Getting up the leaves in the street is a very costly job for the Public Works Department AND having all that organic matter in the streets adds tremendous amounts of phosphorus to the river and lakes. All that phosphorus encourages algae to grow, which will quickly kill off our surface waters. DON'T DO IT!! You can take all your leaves to the free county compost site off Londin Lane, near Afton View Apartments. You are paying already for the compost site to be there - why pay again for the massive clean up by Public Works?? Especially when city budgets are already strained?

Second reminder - backyard burning of leaves (and trash) is illegal in the city. This is another hazard to our public health. Composting is a much better solution - and avoids all kinds of pollution.

That is today's poem...

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