Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Announcements from Conway Rec + Request

There are some interesting offerings coming up for kids at Conway Rec Center...

First, starting March 21, there will be tumbling for kids aged 2 1/2 to 3 years, and for kids 3 to 5 years old. For more information about this fun opportunity, contact Randy at 651.501.6343, or Randy.Graff@ci.stpaul.mn.us.

There will also be a spring basketball league for older kids.

But listen to this!! Come summer, there will be group GUITAR LESSONS at Conway for an 8 week session of 1 hour/week class. The Rec Center is trying to raise money to buy guitars for the participants, but if you have a guitar you would like to DONATE, contact Randy at Conway (see his info above...).

And finally, we are beginning the process of planning for a new Totlot at Conway. There will be community meetings, but there is also a task force forming that will work with city staff to design the new totlot. If you are interested in participating, if you are a daycare provider that uses or would like to use the new lot, please contact Anne at Anne.Gardner@ci.stpaul.mn.us or 651.266.6421.

This redesign will also include an improved Pederson pedestrian path that should solve some of the flooding problems in the spring and summer. These projects were funded through a competitive process a couple of years ago - already funded...

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