Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lower Afton Park and Ride

There are plans afoot to expand the park and ride lot at Lower Afton and Hiway 61 by 70 spaces. We would like to get neighbors together with Metro Transit to talk about this. Give us a call (651.578.7600) if you are interested and tell us about your evening availability around the first two weeks of April.

Here's why this is significant...

  1. The plans would eliminate all the trees between the current lot and the lift station. This will essentially denude the area of everything but brush.
  2. Although there is a definite problem with lack of parking spaces for the number of commuters, we have been discussing moving the lot north of Lower Afton as a part of the Red Rock Corridor planning.
  3. This is in the river corridor, is right in front of people's houses, and the area has just finished being torn up for construction of the new lift station (which resulted in the removal of a number of trees).
Finally, the city has apologized for not notifying us earlier, but we are trying to negotiate a delay in city consideration of Metro Transit's request -- we have a limited amount of time to inform people and get their responses.

The state, the county and the Met Council are having a hard time understanding how community processes are supposed to work. This is our neighborhood and we need to have an opportunity to give input on what happens here...

Call us...

1 comment:

District1Council said...

The meeting will be April 5 at 6:30p at the Battle Creek Rec Center.