Depending on HOW they do the total alignment, these could have profound effect on District 1... From what we have been hearing so far from residents, they prefer an alignment along I-94 all the way to about the 3rd Street bridge/Kellogg Bridge over the freeway. But here are the potential effects on us...
- If the alignment is along 7th Street all through the eastside, the line will bypass our business district and, some feel, will spell the end for Sun Ray Shopping Center;
- If the alignment is along I-94 to White Bear and then "jogs up" to 7th Street, it means the removal of homes along White Bear, and a busy transit way through residential areas.
Again, the blog post yesterday noted the upcoming open house where the options will be presented -- July 28 at Metro State Library, 5-7p -- this will be the time to weigh in on the potential alignments. If you don't speak up, everything will be decided for you!!