Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Preliminary Results of our Clean Up

cars lined up to unload

Maybe it was the lowered cost for dropping off electronics, or maybe it was a collective need to unload our lives, but our attendance this year at the Community Clean Up was significantly higher than in years past. We maintained our maximum of 40 seniors who we were able to assist in getting their stuff to the Slumberland parking lot - and we are sorry that we had to turn away some seniors requesting help - but the other people coming into the site totaled 230, almost 100 more than our historical average, and about 50 more than last year.

We had a very large crew of volunteers this year - 5 crews helping seniors, and 14 youth from Boys Totem Town, in addition to about 25-30 other volunteers. This number of helpers, and a redesigned layout at the site, seemed to have things running much more smoothly than in the past. And it also helps having volunteers return year after year who know the routine.
our reuse section with free stuff

We had less in the reuse area this year, but we are still waiting for final weights on the total amount reused, recycled and sent to the dump.

Many thanks to Slumberland, Brueggers, Little Oven, Boys Totem Town, and all the D1 volunteers for their help making this another successful event.

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