Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Scam targeting elders...

We've had reports from local residents that an old scam is still in play. This phone scam targets elders, so if you or someone you know gets such a call, beware. Spread the word on this...

A caller responds to a "Hello" with "Hi Grandpa/Grandma, it's me." Without identifying themselves, they then try to figure out who they can impersonate and then launch into a story that they are stuck somewhere out of the city with friends and have been in an accident. They are trying to get people to wire them money to either "get back home" or "pay for doctor's bills" or something else.

Needless to say, you should just hang up. Do not ask, "Is this ____ (insert the name of a grandkid)?" If you don't recognize the voice, just hang up. If you or someone you know has had an experience with this, let us know. If you have caller id, check to see if a number comes up and report that to the police.

This is a similar scam to one in which folks may approach you in parking lots and say that their car has broken down on the freeway and need money for repairs, or they have just been robbed and need to get home or whatever. If you are approached in this way at a parking lot around here, walk away and report it to the store. Such solicitation is usually against the law.

Don't become a victim.

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