Monday, January 6, 2014

Consider becoming an Election Judge

In the last two years Ramsey County has had many election judges retire from serving. We have a mid-term election coming up this year that will see a healthy turn-out of voters. So having more judges committed to assuring a fair electoral process is essential.

Ramsey County is looking for people with an interest in the election process and in assuring that everyone who has a right to vote is able to vote. 

This year’s election will be larger than last therefore more judges are critical. Training is available and judges are paid to serve.

[As someone who has served as an election judge for at least 12 years (this is Betsy talking...), I can honestly say that being an election judge is one of the most rewarding experiences related to American citizenship I have ever had. To assist first-time voters - whether they are youth or have recently earned their citizenship status - is fantastic. To see how important it is for people to exercise this right will restore any lost faith you may have in our political process.]

If you are interested in serving, or want to know more, you can contact Janine Valento by email at or phone 651-266-2219 and she would be happy to talk with anyone with questions.

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