Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Discussions of Merging Hennepin and Ramsey Juvenile Residential Facilities

Here is the link to the Pioneer Press article about discussions that are underway - actually have been underway for a while - about a potential merger between Ramsey and Hennepin County juvenile residential facilities - in Saint Paul, that means Boys Totem Town.

This is a huge decision to be made, and so far all discussions have been behind closed doors. This decision will affect Ramsey County youth and their families. It will disproportionately affect youth of color and their families in Ramsey County. People need to be talking about this with their elected county officials NOW.

This decision will also have a huge effect on District 1 beyond its effect on our youth. This potentially opens up a huge block of undeveloped land for who knows what kind of development.

There are needs in this neighborhood. There are needs in this city. Our children need us to stand up and start discussing with the counties the effect THEIR decisions have on US.

Here is a link to the website where you can find contact information for your county commissioner.

Recycling Updates

It has been an eventful spring and summer in Saint Paul when it comes to reducing, recycling and
composting! Since the launch of the new All In recycling program this past April, Saint Paul residents have enthusiastically embraced the new features of the program. With the introduction of single-sort recycling and the collection of additional plastics, there has already been a 16% increase in the volume of materials collected.
Participation in the Citywide Community Cleanup events also continues to be strong; 91 tons of materials were kept out of the waste stream from just three events this spring.  Residents are delivering materials and volunteering at the events from all areas of the community.  Visit to find a schedule of community cleanup events in September and October.
Participation in the organics drop off program has also exceeded expectations. Three of the four Ramsey County drop off sites have had to double the size of collection containers and increase frequency of collections due to the high volume of participants and material. This program is proving to be a well-received step in the right direction toward proper organics management. Click here to learn more.
2015 and Beyond
The City is continuing to make modifications and improvements to the recycling program. In 2015 and beyond, efforts will continue to upgrade the apartment recycling system, increase backyard composting education and expand “away from home” recycling opportunities.  Stay tuned as these programs are developed.
While it was the City’s goal to roll out wheeled, lidded carts to all Saint Paul households in the spring of 2015, the plan has been temporarily delayed due to an unexpected and significant increase in costs.
City staff is developing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for recycling services, as the City’s current recycling contract ends Dec. 31, 2016. A new program will be in place in January of 2017.
Despite this delay, the City remains committed to providing the best, most convenient service possible – including organics collection and the collection of wheeled, lidded carts from alleyways. Both of these features are expected to be part of the program beginning January 2017.
More Information
Visit to learn more about how you can participate in the All In program and check out the new All In “Recycling 101” video for a reminder of some of the recyclables that should go in your recycling bin. 

Please continue going “all in” with your recycling efforts and do your part to reduce, recycle and compost in Saint Paul!

Questions?  Please contact Kris Hageman, Environmental Coordinator at 651-266-8866 or

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Food Shelf at Progressive Baptist

"Fishes and Loaves" food shelf, In partnership with Second Harvest Heartland is offering food to the community every Wednesday from 3:00 PM until 5:00 PM. Located at Progressive Baptist Church, 1505 Burns Avenue in St. Paul MN, we offer nutritious foods, employment information, spiritual support and prayer. All are welcome. No ID required, only the need for food!!

For inquiry or to volunteer, please contact:

Rev. Icelean McClendon
Dea. Paul Johnson,

District 1 is also contributing to this effort by donating excess produce from our project with CBC Seniors and the Garden of Feed'em Community Garden (at Conway Rec). We encourage anyone to make use of the food shelf AND to donate their time to this effort!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Need more Clean Up opportunities??

Volunteers are needed for the upcoming Citywide Community Cleanup on Saturday, September 20th at the Minnesota State Fair Grounds.  The event runs from 8am - 1pm, and volunteers are needed for the early shift (7:30 - 10:30) or late shift (10:15 - 1:15).  Volunteers will help direct traffic, unload vehicles, and support the event.  Volunteers will receive a voucher good for a free disposal load at the event.  Interested volunteers should contact Lauren Fullner at the Hamline Midway Coalition (District 5) - or 651-214-8752.

How we use the Neighborhood Profiles from MN Compass...

Here is a link to the posting we did for Minnesota Compass about the new neighborhood profiles. This updated demographic data is so vital to us that it was important to let others know what we use them for and how they can help others.

Read the story...

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Who are we as a neighborhood?

This area of Saint Paul has gone through dramatic demographic changes in the past 15-20 years. People and agencies are still thinking we are who we were back then. We are much more now. We are a vibrant, dynamic, and beautifully diverse community.

The Wilder Foundation's Research department has worked over many years with a variety of partners to develop NEIGHBORHOOD PROFILES for communities across Minnesota. Here in the Twin Cities, they have developed these profiles so there can be direct comparisons of communities.

If you want to understand who we are currently, here is a link to the freshly updated demographic data. Click on the map for our area (the southeast corner of Saint Paul - the yellow colored area). This gives you a very interesting perspective on who we are.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Phalen Closures

Motorists in St. Paul will encounter delays and a detour on Pennsylvania Avenue/Phalen Boulevard as both directions of the road close at Interstate 35E, Wednesday,  Aug. 13.

The road will close before morning rush hours Aug. 13, and will remain closed for approximately two weeks. Motorists will be detoured to Jackson Street, University Avenue and Olive Street to bypass the closure.

The closure will allow crews to lower a portion of Pennsylvania Avenue/Phalen Boulevard in order to avoid height restrictions when constructing the new I-35E bridges spanning the roadway. After reopening, Pennsylvania Avenue/Phalen Boulevard will remain a single lane in each direction at I-35E through approximately late 2015 for bridge construction.

The I-35E Cayuga Improvement Project aims to reconstruct I-35E between University Avenue and Maryland Avenue, including replacement of the Cayuga Bridge, the Pennsylvania Avenue Bridge and the railroad bridges along I-35E. Read more about the Cayuga project by  

For real-time travel information anywhere in Minnesota visit or dial 5-1-1.