Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Discussions of Merging Hennepin and Ramsey Juvenile Residential Facilities

Here is the link to the Pioneer Press article about discussions that are underway - actually have been underway for a while - about a potential merger between Ramsey and Hennepin County juvenile residential facilities - in Saint Paul, that means Boys Totem Town.

This is a huge decision to be made, and so far all discussions have been behind closed doors. This decision will affect Ramsey County youth and their families. It will disproportionately affect youth of color and their families in Ramsey County. People need to be talking about this with their elected county officials NOW.

This decision will also have a huge effect on District 1 beyond its effect on our youth. This potentially opens up a huge block of undeveloped land for who knows what kind of development.

There are needs in this neighborhood. There are needs in this city. Our children need us to stand up and start discussing with the counties the effect THEIR decisions have on US.

Here is a link to the website where you can find contact information for your county commissioner.

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