Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Notes from Steering Committee of the Dialogue to Action project

In attendance – Lisa (D2), Christine (D3), Leslie (D5), Chia, Betsy (D1)

The agenda for this meeting was approved and there was a review of notes from June and July by those members who had been absent, with time for any questions or clarifications about the notes.

Status of the work: Chia had spent some time looking for Parks curriculum because Everyday Democracy is no longer advising us closely as they have been. She found a set that had been based on Everday Democracy’s work on the website for the Parks and Recreation National Association. Steering committee members present in July worked on localizing it to our area. In addition, 4 Community Action Team members came together to work on a different curriculum that de-emphasized using a racial equity lens. The Steering Committee decided to take the second curriculum and use it as comments to tweak the original curriculum to assure that these dialogues continue to focus on how our racial and social positioning effects how we interact with city services. The purpose of these dialogues is to create a safe forum for open and honest conversations about racial equity in our city.

We reviewed the August timeline – It is time for Steering Committee members to send their second invoice to the D1 office. We are getting ready to train facilitators on Saturday August 29. We need to assure that we have at least 3 facilitators per group if the groups are going to be large (i.e. 25 or so). CHIA will create a flyer to recruit for both dialogues that can be distributed to potential recruiting partners. Both sets of community dialogues will be done before Thanksgiving. Locations are now set (Police/Youth at Wellstone Center, and Parks at Arlington Hills). We will look at fall events prior to the Parks dialogues starting on October 19 to see if there will be continuing opportunities to recruit. Our police partners are recruiting both police members and reaching out to local faith organizations for potential participants. We need a concentrated push to recruit.

Review of the budget: To date, most of our expenses have been in staff time. Most additional funds are set to be expended when the actual dialogues are taking place. We had a lengthy discussion on how to award stipends for facilitators, given that the PED event has a separate planning group. This PED dialogue could be a large group. District Council staff members will facilitate the PED dialogues. WSCO had a staff member on the planning group for the PED discussions, WSCO will look who it can send as an alternate to that group. The budget line for participant stipends led to lengthy discussion given that we are looking at more participants now than when the proposal was developed – two times as many… The emphasis will be on using these funds to minimize impediments to people’s participation. 

LISA (with help from Chia) will draft a participation form that will alert us to the barriers folks may face.  BETSY will draft a standard form people can fill out to receive the stipend to address their barriers to participation. BETSY will contact Smart Trips about potential help on free bus passes (NOTE: Smart Trips was able to get Metro Transit to donate free bus passes). BETSY and CHIA will go over the specifics of the budget line items and let the steering committee know how stipends will be dealt with (NOTE: up to 10 district councils can receive stipends for staff participation – starting with $360/council. Should fewer than 10 councils participate, additional funds will be available to the PED Planning group members). Printing costs should be covered by the line item amount with additional printing being provided by participating steering committee councils.
CHIA will send out both versions of the curriculum for Parks so committee members can edit.

Recruiting – need to recruit district councils for PED dialogue; LESLIE will check with Arlington Hills about PED dialogue location (NOTE: that location is now confirmed).

Next meeting for Steering Cmte will be September 8 from 10-12p at D1 office.

NOTE: Police and Youth/Family dialogues are Mondays September 14 – October 12 from 6-8p at the Wellstone Center, 179 E. Robie Street
Parks and Community dialogues are Mondays October 19 – November 16 from 6-8p at the Arlington Hills Community Center, 1200 Payne Avenue

PED and District Council dialogue is Wednesday October 14 from 2 – 8p at Arlington Hills 

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