Monday, November 30, 2015

MN Pass Lanes on 35E open Nov 30

Two new MnPASS Express Lanes on Interstate 35E in St. Paul will open for the first time on Nov. 30. To celebrate the arrival, current and new MnPASS account holders with a transponder or a new MnPASS Express Lane tag can drive in the MnPASS lanes on I-35E between Cayuga Street and Little Canada Road during peak-travel times for free between Nov. 30 and Jan. 3, 2016.

The MnPASS lanes on I-35E will operate like the MnPASS lanes on I-394 and I-35W.  During peak-drive times, vehicles with two or more passengers (HOV 2+), buses and motorcyclists can drive in the lanes for free, while solo motorists with a MnPASS account and MnPASS tag attached to their windshield can drive in the lanes for a fee. The fees for solo motorists using the MnPASS lanes during peak-drive times range from $.25 to $8. The MnPASS lanes are open and free to all motorists outside of the posted peak-drive times.

In addition to the two new lanes on I-35E, the MnPASS program is also introducing two new “tag” options for MnPASS customers and is dropping the monthly transponder/tag lease fees for all customers.

The tag options include a free sticker tag and a switchable tag that has a one-time $15 purchase fee. Both tags attach to the inside of the vehicle windshield. The switchable tag can be “switched” to the HOV 2+ (free) mode when two or more people are in the vehicle or to the MnPASS (fee) mode when the motorist is the only person in the vehicle. The sticker tag is free, is always in the fee mode and is deactivated once it is removed from the windshield. Both tags are compatible with all MnPASS Express Lanes in Minnesota and will replace the current transponders. Existing transponders and the new tags can be used I-35E, I-394 and I-3W.

There are also four MnPASS distribution centers in the Twin Cities:

·         MnDOT Metro Water’s Edge Building
1500 W County Road B2, Roseville, MN

·         Metro Transit Service Center
Skyway, US Bank Center
101 E. 5th Street, St. Paul, MN

Currently, MnDOT is experiencing technical difficulties at the satellite distribution centers so new customers are unable to enroll in the program at the satellite locations until further notice.
Enrolling in the MnPASS program is fast and easy. New customers can enroll online any time at or stop by the MnPASS Customer Service Center at 2055 Lilac Drive N. Golden Valley, MN 55422.
MnPASS is a state transportation system that provides a congestion-free travel option during peak-drive times on highways with high levels of congestion. MnPASS Express Lanes give all commuters a reliable travel choice that saves them time, increases a highway’s capacity to move more people through a corridor and allows faster, more reliable public bus service

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