Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Summary of November 23 Board Meeting

Call to Order: 6:32 pm by Council President Paul Sawyer.  Quorum present.  P. Sawyer notes that we will move presentations to the top of the agenda.

Presentation/Discussion – Conway Park Planning (Sanneh Foundation) – Tony Sanneh provides a presentation on their current activities. They are having good success and would like to grow.  Parking is an issue for the site. Additionally, field space is a problem due to grass being worn down.  Putting in artificial turf has been mentioned as an option which they are looking into.  Finally, the gym is often packed due to soccer, basketball and volleyball. They have bids that would require raising from $3.5 to $8 million, depending on what is done.  The higher estimate includes adding a dome. He also discusses other repurposed uses as well as generally upgrading the building. He concludes by noting that they feel like they are part of the community, that they are improving the community and are looking to improve the facilities and their use. The domed area would be close to the building and one diagram places it as an anchor at the SE corner of the property between the library and the rec center. Questions regarding proposals and ideas:  The Sanneh Foundation is reaching out to the Somali community, they are desirous of being participants in the parks system and work to stay within or under their fee structure with much of the other programming being free or low cost (with plenty of waived fees), the Sanneh Foundation has a site management agreement with 2 meetings per year with the Parks Department to address concerns and monitor adherence to their programming proposal.   B. Leach adds that the operating hours are greater than they had been and, anecdotally, the participation of children in the programming has increased. She has also not heard any complaints about the youth activities at the Center. She also provides an overview of the process that was used to work with Parks and Rec to develop an RFP submission and selection process. 

A community member inquires about the soccer field at Highwood Hills and monies that have been dedicated to improving it and if those improvements can be finished.  S. Ali explains the negative affect that transportation plays in getting the Somali youth population at Highwood Hills to Conway to participate in activities.  He notes that he hopes the soccer field updates will be completed this upcoming summer.  T. Sanneh discusses their engagement activities this past summer and their efforts to work on transportation.   They have also reached out to social workers to increase trust with the Somali community.  E. Thompson from Parks notes that he will try to get the D1 board an update but he does know that the water lines were installed and some of the top soil was moved to the archery range on DNR property.  He also notes that the transportation issue is on the radar of the Met Council and is being looked at for correction.

S. Johnson recommends a letter to city and state officials with the board’s request to get the Highwood soccer field finished.  J. Prince notes that she is very supportive of upgrading the field. B. Watkins inquires if the school district is a barrier to overcome. S. Ali notes that the field belongs to the city.

Financial Reports – Motion by T. Mohr. Second by M. Barrett to approve the annual Charitable Organization report for the Attorney General. Passed on voice vote.

Budget - We had a general discussion of the budget and its current uncertainties, but Sawyer notes we need an approval of a budget to enter the new year, noting we will vote on an amended budget at the January meeting. Motion by T. Mohr. Seconded by J. Clark to approve the draft 2016 budget as presented. Passed on voice Vote.

WorkplanMotion by M. Barrett. Second by T. Mohr to approve the workplan. Passed on voice vote.

Appointment of Board Members - Myra Smiley announces her interest in filling a board vacancy and discusses herself and motivation for involvement.  Bonnie Watkins announces her interest in filling a board seat and discusses her motivation.  Zander Danielson Sellie discusses his interest in filling a board seat and motivation.  Motion by M. Barrett. Second J. Clark to appoint Myra Smiley, Bonnie Watkins and Zander Danielson Sellie to fill board vacancies. Passed on voice vote. Subsequent appointment via email of Abdi Nour Barkat to fill final board vacancy.

Honor Roll NominationsMotion by P. Fuehrer to nominate Clara Ware, Andrew Parker and Tom Mohr as our Honor Roll Awardees this year.  Seconded by M. Barrett.  Passes on voice vote.

Dialogues and other Staff Updates – B. Leach notes that the dialogues have completed and provides updates on recent activities as well as a January 23rd Action Forum that is being planned for next steps.

P. Sawyer provides additional updates – the D1 Community Plan has been submitted to the city and staff comments have been received. The Gateway Corridor Draft Environmental Impact Statement is being finalized and the Station Area Plans have been adopted by the city.  Two Land Use proposals for Old Hudson have been received. 

B. Leach reminds everyone that I-94 will be worked on for two years between Century and West 7th beginning next year. R. Limbag asks about getting “Nice Ride” biking to the area.  B. Leach notes that Nice Ride has said we do not have the biking density but there has been an “Orange Bike” program that took place in the Afton View area.

P. Sawyer thanks everyone for attending and adjourns the meeting at 8:13 pm.

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